JavaScript String: The Complete Guide

JavaScript strings are more than just sequences of characters. They let you work with data in various ways, using methods for manipulation, searching, and modification. By mastering JavaScript strings, you can write better and faster code and create smooth user experiences.

What is a JavaScript string? A JavaScript string is a sequence of characters enclosed in quotes, either single or double. JavaScript supports both types of quotes, allowing you to choose the most convenient for you. Strings can contain any type of character, including numbers and special characters, and can be empty.

In this blog post, we will explore:

  • How do I create a string?
  • String manipulation methods
  • Accessing string characters
  • Compare and search strings
  • Extract a portion of the string
  • Convert numbers to strings

Let’s dive in.

Creating JavaScript String

Strings can be created in JavaScript in two ways.

1. Literal notation

Literal notation is the simplest way to create a string. It involves enclosing the text in either single or double quotes. For example:

let greeting = 'Hello World';

2. Constructor notation

Constructor notation uses the String object to create a string. It involves calling the String constructor and passing the text as an argument. For example:
let greeting = new String('Hello World');

Note that using the string constructor is less common than using literal notation. Literal notation is more efficient and easier to read.

JavaScript String
JavaScript String

String manipulation methods in JavaScript

Once we have created a string, we can manipulate it in various ways. Here are some common string manipulation methods:

String concatenation

JavaScript string concatenation is the process of combining two or more strings into one. This can be done using the + operator. For example:

let firstName = 'John';
let lastName = 'Doe';
let fullName = firstName + ' ' + lastName;

// Output: "John Doe"
JavaScript String Concatenation

There are multiple ways to concatenate strings in JavaScript.

JavaScript string manipulation methods and properties

JavaScript provides various built-in methods and properties that can be used to manipulate strings. These are the few built-in JavaScript string methods: 

lengthThe JavaScript string length property returns the number of characters in a string.
 toUpperCase()Converts a string to a JavaScript uppercase string.
 toLowerCase()Converts a string to a JavaScript lowercase string.
 indexOf()JavaScript indexOf()  method returns the index of a specified character in a string.
 substring()The JavaScript substring() method helps you extract a portion from a String.
JavaScript toUpperCase

String Interpolation

String interpolation is a way to insert variables or expressions into a string. It involves using backticks (`  ) instead of quotes and enclosing the variable or expression in curly braces ({ }). For example:

let firstName = 'John';
let lastName = 'Doe';
let fullName = `${firstName} ${lastName}`;

// Output: "John Doe"

Accessing string characters

To access a character in a string, you can use bracket notation or methods such as charAt() and charCodeAt().

Bracket notation

Bracket notation involves using square brackets to access a specific character in a string. The index of the character starts at 0. For example:

let js = 'JavaScript';
let firstCharacter = js[0];

// Output: "J"


The charAt() string method returns the character at a specific index in a string. For example:

let js = 'JavaScript';
let firstCharacter = js.charAt(0);

// Output: "J"


The charCodeAt() string method returns the Unicode value of the character at a specific index in a string. For example:

let js = 'JavaScript';
let firstCharCode = js.charCodeAt(0);

// Output: 74

Comparing JavaScript strings

You can compare two strings in JavaScript using various methods, such as equality, inequality, and case-insensitive comparison.


To compare two strings for equality, you can use the JavaScript string equality operator == or the === operator. The == operator compares the values of the strings, while the === operator compares both the values and the types of strings. For example:

let string1 = 'Hello';
let string2 = 'World';
if (string1 === string2) {
  // code to execute if the strings are equal
JavaScript Compare Strings
JavaScript Compare Strings


To compare two strings for inequality, you can use the != operator or the !== operator. The != operator compares the values of the strings, while the !== operator compares both the values and the types of the strings. For example:

let string1 = 'Hello';
let string2 = 'World';
if (string1 !== string2) {
  // code to execute if the strings are not equal

Comparing case-insensitive strings

To compare two strings in a case-insensitive manner, we can convert both strings to either lowercase or uppercase. You can convert the string to JavaScript lowercase using the toLowerCase() method or JavaScript uppercase using the toUpperCase() method, and then compare the resulting strings. For example:

let string1 = 'Hello';
let string2 = 'HELLO';

if (string1.toLowerCase() === string2.toLowerCase()) {
  // code to execute if the strings are equal ignoring case

Searching JavaScript string

We can search for a specific character or substring in a string using various methods in JavaScript.


The JavaScript indexOf() method returns the index of the first occurrence of a specified character or substring in a string. For example:

let js = 'Hello, JavaScript';
let index = js.indexOf('Script');
// Output: 11
JavaScript indexOf() String
JavaScript indexOf() String


The lastIndexOf() method returns the index of the last occurrence of a specified character or substring in a string. For example:

let js = 'JavaScript';
let index = js.lastIndexOf('a');

// Output: 3


The search() method returns the index of the first occurrence of a specified regular expression in a string. For example:

let message = 'JavaScript runs everywhere on everything!';
let index =;

// Output: 16


The match() method searches a string for a specified regular expression and returns an array of the matches. For example:

let js = 'JavaScript is Awesome';
let matches  = js.match(/Script/g);

// Output: ["Script"]


The JavaScript startsWith() method allows you to check if a string starts with a specified character or string. Optionally, you can specify the start index.

let inputString = "Hello JavaScript";
let startsWithHello = inputString.startsWith("Hello");
// Output: true
JavaScript StartsWith() Method
JavaScript StartsWith() Method


The JavaScript endsWith() method is a built-in method that allows you to check if a string ends with a specified character or string. Optionally, you can specify the index.

let inputString = "Hello JavaScript";
let startsWithJavaScript = inputString.endsWith("JavaScript");
// Output: true
JavaScript endsWith() Method
JavaScript endsWith() Method

Extracting portion of JavaScript string

We can extract a substring from a string using various methods in JavaScript.


The JavaScript slice() method extracts a portion of a string and returns a new string. For example:

let greeting = 'Hello World';
let substring = greeting.slice(0, 5);

// Output: "Hello"


The JavaScript substring() method extracts a portion of a string and returns a new string. For example:

let greeting = 'Hello World';
let substring = greeting.substring(0, 5);

// Output: "Hello"

You can use the substring() and slice() methods to extract a portion of the string. However, there are differences between the JavaScript substring () vs slice() methods.

JavaScript substring() vs slice()
JavaScript substring() vs slice()


The substr() method extracts a portion of a string and returns a new string. For example:

let greeting = 'Hello World';
let substring = greeting.substr(0, 5);

// Output: "Hello"

Converting numbers to Strings

We can convert numbers to strings using the toString() method or the JavaScript String() constructor.


The JavaScript toString() method converts a number to a string. For example:

let number = 123;
let string = number.toString();

// Output: "123"


The String() constructor converts a number to a string. For example:
let number = 123;
let string = String(number);

// Output: "123"

You can use the JavaScript parseInt() method for converting a string to an integer. Use the JavaScript parseFloat() method to convert a string to a floating-point number.


In conclusion, JavaScript strings are an essential part of any web application that deals with text-based data. They allow developers to manipulate and analyze text in a variety of ways and are used extensively in web development.

In this blog post, we discussed the importance of JavaScript strings and covered various techniques for creating, manipulating, accessing, comparing, searching, and extracting string parts. We also discussed how to convert numbers to strings in JavaScript.

To summarize, here are some key takeaways from this post:

  • JavaScript strings are a sequence of characters that are enclosed in quotes.
  • Strings can be created using either literal notation or constructor notation.
  • String manipulation in JavaScript can be done using various methods such as concatenation, string interpolation, and string methods like toUpperCase() and toLowerCase().
  • We can access characters in a string using bracket notation, charAt(), and charCodeAt().
  • String comparison can be done using equality, inequality, or case-insensitive comparison.
  • We can search for a specific character or substring in a string using methods like indexOf(), lastIndexOf(), search(), and match().
  • We can extract a substring from a string using methods like slice(), substring(), and substr().
  • We can convert numbers to strings using the toString() method or the String() constructor.

Understanding strings and their various techniques is a fundamental aspect of mastering JavaScript, and we hope this blog post has provided a useful introduction to the topic.

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1 year ago

Excellent guide for the beginners. Simple and neat presentation. Keep up the good work.

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